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 Detroit Red Wings

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..¤.«Alex The Great».¤..

Messages : 102
Date d'inscription : 08/09/2008

Detroit Red Wings Empty
MessageSujet: Detroit Red Wings   Detroit Red Wings Icon_minitimeDim 14 Sep - 10:31

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Tomas Holmström R DET 34 2250000 3 77 72 72 73 73 76 72 80 71 54 74 84 73 74 75
Marian Hossa R DET 28 7450000 2 87 83 88 79 79 73 88 81 75 62 72 78 86 77 81
Daniel Cleary R DET 28 2800000 6 71 66 63 69 69 70 75 76 68 61 60 72 66 69 69
Mikael Samuelsson R DET 30 1200000 2 76 70 76 67 67 65 77 74 78 67 51 71 74 66 72
Valtteri Filppula C DET 23 3000000 5 74 75 75 66 69 64 75 67 84 77 55 65 74 66 72
Henrik Zetterberg C DET 26 2650000 2 84 85 88 75 79 66 85 83 84 81 70 74 85 73 80
Darren Helm C DET 20 599444 3 58 58 62 62 65 60 72 63 68 54 56 52 59 62 63
Kris Draper C DET 36 1583333 4 56 59 67 77 75 65 78 75 68 80 76 71 60 72 71
Kirk Maltby L DET 34 883333 3 57 56 65 77 77 75 78 71 54 55 73 83 59 76 71
Pavel Datsyuk L DET 29 6700000 7 80 90 90 77 81 72 86 80 83 80 66 68 86 76 81
Jiri Hudler L DET 23 1015000 2 69 75 72 64 68 59 77 69 82 64 57 62 72 63 72
Johan Franzén L DET 27 941667 2 59 62 68 73 73 75 77 73 84 72 65 75 63 73 72
Niklas Kronwall D DET 26 3000000 5 54 62 56 78 75 79 79 75 79 54 58 72 57 77 71
Brian Rafalski D DET 33 6000000 5 69 81 77 79 80 69 88 83 85 55 66 77 75 76 79
Brett Lebda D DET 25 650000 3 44 47 55 72 71 70 69 74 78 51 50 73 48 71 67
Andreas Lilja D DET 32 1250000 3 41 45 47 74 75 73 71 77 59 52 69 83 44 74 66
Brad Stuart D DET 27 3750000 5 64 64 70 73 75 76 80 81 70 55 69 80 66 74 74
Nicklas Lidström D DET 37 7450000 3 80 89 85 85 90 72 85 92 84 66 82 78 84 82 85
Chris Osgood G DET 34 1416667 4 76 75 71 76 75 78 74 74 75 71 72 71 74 76 75
Ty Conklin G DET 31 750000 2 69 73 70 75 71 73 76 75 77 66 61 73 70 73 72
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